Monday, March 24, 2008

Just a Disciple

It didn't take me long to tire of my search for a new label. I've been using the label of "Disciple" for many years now, and I think it's sufficient. I am taught by one I hold in high regard, granted understanding through His spirit when necessary and rewarded for my applications of His lessons. I make abundant errors and rely on Him for correction - the consistency of which is only outmeasured by the mercy applied.

Maybe I am just lazy. I don't want to argue with man about whether I am right or wrong. I don't want to sit at the knee of every theologian and search the truth they've proven, getting a high from every "new" truth discovered.

I want to sit at the knee of the One - the Only One - who died with my sin on His conscience, suffering the death I earned, who has every right to condemn me - but instructs me, anyway, in the things that are old and true, boring and unenlightening, simple and timeless - the lowly things no other teacher would have the patience or humility to show me.


Kc said...

I picked a simple label too, "believer". I liked that one because it seemed to identify with "the household of faith".

(Sorry I haven't been around more. This is another great blog Sis!)

Missy said...

KC, for a time I considered "heiress" to identify with that "household." I hope someday to make it to a simple believer, but at the moment I seemed to require convincing arguments far too often from the Lord. :)

I yearn to always be teachable and I feel most loved by those who take the time to teach me. I think "disciple" characterizes me pretty well for now.

Come around when you can - I'll take the time I can get! :)